Charmed - Spells Guide

Season 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Season 2

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Season 3

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Season 4

67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

Season 5

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

Season 6

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134

Season 7

135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156

Season 8

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178

Season 1

Episode 1 - Something Wicca This Way Comes

For what: to receive their powers (Cast by Phoebe)

Hear now the words of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of gods are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power
Give us the power

For what: to kill a warlock, Jeremy (Cast by Piper)

Your love wither and depart
From my life and my heart,
Let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever

For what: to kill Jeremy once and for all (Cast by all)

The power of three
will set us free (13 times)

Episode 2 - I´ve Got You Under My Skin

For what:to kill a demon named Javna (Cast by all)

Evil eyes, look unto thee
May they soon extinguished be.
Bend they will to the power of three
Eye of earth, evil and accursed

Episode 3 - Thank You For Not Morphing

For what: to kill the evil new neighbors (Cast by all)

When in the circle that is home
Safety's gone and evils roam
Rid all beings from these walls
Save sisters three
Now heed our call

Episode 4 - Dead Man Dating


Episode 5 - Dream Sorcerer

For what: To attract men (Cast by Phoebe and Piper)

I conjure thee,
I conjure thee
I am the queen
You're the bee
As I desire
So shall it be

Episode 6 - The Wedding From Hell


Episode 7 - The Fouth Sister


Episode 8 - The Truth Is Out There... And It Hurts

For what: "Truth spell", to see if Andy would aprove Prue being a witch (Cast by Prue)

For those who want the truth revealed
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed
From now until it is now again
After which the memory ends.
Those who now are in this house
Will hear the truth from others mouths

Episode 9 - The Witch Is Back

For what: To bring back Melinda Warren (Cast by each sister once)

Melinda Warren,
Blood of our blood,
Great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother,
We summon thee

For what: To put Matthew back in the locket (Cast by Melinda)

Outside of time
Outside of gain
Know only sorrow
Know only pain

For what: To send Melinda back (Cast by Prue)

Melinda Warren,
Blood of our blood,
We release you

Episode 10 - Wicca Envy

For what: To give away their powers (Cast by each sister once)

From whence they came,
Return them now
Vanish the words,
Vanish our powers

Episode 11 - Feats Of Clay


Episode 12 - The Wendigo


Episode 13 - From Fear To Eternity


Episode 14 - Secrets & Guys


Episode 15 - Is There A Woggy In The House?

For what: To kill the woggie man (Cast by Phoebe)

I am light
I am one to strong to fight
Go back to dark where shadows dwell
You can not have this Halliwell
Now go away and leave my sight
And take away this endless night

Episode 16 - Which Prue Is It, Anyway?

For what: To help Prue be stronger so she can fight a demon who's after her power (Cast
by Prue)

Take My Powers,
Blessed Be
Multiply Their
Strength by three

Episode 17 - That 70´s Episode

For what: To undbind a bond, to send the sisters back in time (Cast by all)

The bond which was not to be done
Give us the power to see it undone
And turn back time to whence it begun

For what: To send the sisters back to their original time (Cast by all)

A time for everything
And to everything it's place
Return what has been moved
Through time, and through space

For what: To kill Nicholas (Cast by all)

Lavender, Momoso, Holy Thistle
Cleans this evil from our mist
Scatter it's cells throughout time
Let this Nick no longer exist

Episode 18 - When Good Warlocks Go Bad


Episode 19 - Blind Sided


Episode 20 - The Power Of Two


Episode 21 - Love Hurts

For what: Changing powers (Cast by Piper)

What's mine is yours
What's yours is mine
Let our powers cross the line
I offer up my gift to share
Switch our powers through the air.

Episode 22 - Deja Vu All Over Again

For what: To speed up Time (Cast by Prue)

Winds of time, gather around.
Give me wings to speed my way.
Rush me on my journey forward.
Let tomorrow be today.

Season 2

Episode 23 - Witch Trial

For what: to receive their powers (Cast by Phoebe)

Hear now the words of the witches
The secrets we hid in the night
The oldest of gods are invoked here
The great work of magic is sought
In this night and in this hour
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power
Give us the power

For what: to kill Jeremy once and for all (Cast by all)

The power of three
Will set us free

For what: To kill the woggie man (Cast by Phoebe and Piper)

I am light
I am one to strong to fight
Go back to dark where shadows dwell
You can not have this Halliwell
Now go away and leave my sight
And take away this endless night

For what: To kill Nicholas (Cast by Prue)

Lavender, Momoso, Holy Thistle
Cleans this evil from our mist
Scatter it's cells throughout time
Let this Nick no longer exist

Episode 24 - Morality Bites

For what: to go forward in time (Cast by Phoebe, Prue and Piper)

Hear these words
Hear the rhyme
We send you
This burning sign
Then our future selves
In another place and time

For what: to create a door (said by Prue)

When you find your path is blocked
All you have to do is knock

Episode 25 - The Painted World

For what: Smart spell (Cast by Phoebe)

Spirits, send the words
From all across the land
Allow me to absorb them
Through the touch of either hand
For 24 hours from 7 to 7
I will understand all meaning
Of the words from here to heaven

For what: to go in the painting (Cast by Prue and Piper)

Absolvo Amitto
Amplus Brevis
Sempre Mea

Translation: To free what is lost say these words Mine Forever

For what: to leave the painting (Cast by Malcolm and Phoebe)

Verva Omnes Liberant

Translation: Words free us all

Episode 26 - Devil´s Music


Episode 27 - She´s A Man, Baby, A Man!

For what: to attract Succubus (Cast by Prue)

By the forces of Heaven and Hell
Drawn to us this women fell
Run from her fowl desire
That she might perish as a moth to fire

Episode 28 - That Old Black Magic


Episode 29 - They´re Everywhere

For what: to hear secret thoughts (Cast by Piper and Prue)

Light a blue candle and chant:
As flame lights shadow and truth ends fear
Open locked thoughts to my mind's willing ear
May the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep
Bringing innermost voice to my mind in speech

Episode 30 - P3 H2O


Episode 31 - Ms. Hellfire


Episode 32 - Heartbreak City


Episode 33 - Reckless Abandon


Episode 34 - Awakened

For what: Awaken Someone (Cast by Prue and Phoebe)

Troubled blood with sleep's unease
Remove the cause of this disease
Sleep eternal nevermore
And shift this source of illness borne
To this puppet whom none shall mourn

For what: Reverse the Awakening Spell (Cast by Prue and Phobe)

What was awakened from its sleep
Must once again slumber deep
Return to the disease to whence it came
So life can ease back to the same

Episode 35 - Animal Pragmatism

For what: Turn Animals Into Men (Cast by Phoebe [Brooke, Andrea, and Tessa])

From strike of 12 count 24,
That's how long the spell is for,
If to abate my lonely heart,
And chant these gifts i thee impart

For what: Turn Everyone into animals (Cast by Phoebe)

Something wicked in our midst,
In human form these spirits dwell,
Make them animals sayth this spell

For what: Reverse The Spell (Cast by Phoebe)

Undo the magic acted here,
Reverse the spell so all is clear

Episode 36 - Pardon My Past

For what: Past Life Spell (Cast by Phoebe)

Remove the chains of time and space
And make my spirit soar
Let these mortal arms embrace
The life that haunts before

For what: Curse Past Phoebe (so that her and Anton would never get together) (Cast by Past Piper and Past Prue)

Evil Witch in my site-
Vanquish thy self,
Vanquish thy might,
In this and every future life.

For what: Interswitch two souls from present to past (Cast by Phoebe)

In this time and in this place
Take this spirit I displace
Bring it forth while I go back
To inhabit a soul so black

For what: Interswitch souls from past to present (Cast by Phoebe)

In this time and in this place
Take this spirit I displaced
Bring me forth while she goes back
To her soul so black

Episode 37 - Give Me A Sign

For what: A Sign (Cast By Phoebe)

I beseech all powers above
Send a sign to free my sister's heart
One that will lead to her love.

Episode 38 - Murphy´s Luck

For what: Good Luck Spell (Cast by Prue)

From this moment on, your pain is erased
Your bad luck as well
Enjoy your good luck Maggie, You're free from this hell.

Episode 39 - How To Make A Quilt Out Of Americans

For what: Call On Cryto (Cast by Gail, Helen and Amanda)

We call on the demon Cryto
Reach back throughout the ages
Humbled by his power,
We invite him into our circle.

For what: Call On a Witches Powers (Cast by Gail, Helen and Amanda and then by Piper, Phoebe and Prue)

Powers of the witches rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to Us who call you near, come to us and settle here.

For what: Get Rid of Cryto (Cast by Phoebe)

What witch has done and then undone
Return this spirit back within
And seperate him from his skin.

Episode 40 - Chick Flick

For what: Vanish Demon of Illusion (which didn't work) (Cast by Phoebe)

Evil that has travelled near,
I call on you to disappear,
Elementals hear my call, Remove this creature from these walls.

Episode 41 - Ex Libris

For what: Vanish Libris (Cast by Prue)

Demon hide your evil face,
Libris, die and leave no trace.

Episode 42 - Astral Monkey


Episode 43 - Apocalypse, Not

For what: Vanquish the Demon of Anarchy (of course, they used the wrong spell since they didn't know who and what they were dealing with at first.) (Cast by Piper and Phoebe)

Sower of discord,
Your works now must cease.
I vanquish thee now,
With these words of peace.

Episode 44 - Be Careful What You Witch For

For what: Vanquish the Dragon Demon (Cast by Piper,Phoebe and Prue)

The Power of Three Will Set Us Free,
The Power of Three Will Set Us Free,
The Power of Three Will Set Us Free.

Season 3

Episode 45 - Honeymoon´s Over


Episode 46 - Magic Hour

For what: Marriage (not used)

Handfasting is the eternal joining of two people in love. It is a sacred ceremony of commitment, presided over by a High Priestess. Best performed at a time of sunrise or sunset where both the Sun and the Moon are present in the joining of the two Lovers.

Episode 47 - Once Upon A Time

For what: See the Unseen (Cast by all)

In this tween time, this darkest hour
We call upon this sacred power.
3 together stand alone,
Command the unseen to be shown.
In innocence we search the skies,
Enchanted are our newfound eyes.

Episode 48 - All Halliwell´s Eve

For what: Protection (Cast by all)

Knowledge and reverence
Knowledge and reverence
Knowledge and reverence

The Recipe:
Lavender, Rosmarie, 4 half apples, make a circle around the thing you´d like to protect and throw one apple in each direction of the wind.

Episode 49 - Sight Unseen


Episode 50 - The Primrose Empath

For what: Release the Pain (Cast by Prue)

Free the impath, release his gift,
Let his pain be cast adrift.

Episode 51 - Power Outage

For what: Call Balthazor' (Cast by Prue and Piper)

Spirits of Air,
Forest, and sea;
Set us of this demon free;
Beast of foot and beast of shell;
Drive this evil back to hell.

Episode 52 - Sleuthing With The Enemy

For what: Call Balthazor' (Cast by all)

Spirits of Air,
Forest, and sea;
Set us of this demon free;
Beast of foot and beast of shell;
Drive this evil back to hell.

For what: Summon Belthazor (Cast by all)

Magic forces black and white,
Reaching out through space and light,
Be he far, or be he near,
Bring us this demon, Belthazar here.

Episode 53 - Coyote Piper

For what: Kill the Alchemist (Cast by all)

Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone.
The Alchemist shall transform none.
Cruel scientist of evil born
With this words face the fire´s scorn.

For what: Kill the Essence (Cast by all)

Host soul reject this evil essence,
Let loves light end this cruel possession.

Episode 54 - We All Scream For Ice Cream


Episode 55 - Death Takes A White Lighter

For what: Defeat Eames (Cast by Phoebe)

Time for amends and a victim's revenge
Cloning power turn sour Power to change turn to strange
I'm rejecting your deflection

Episode 56 - Wrestling with Demos

For what: Lost & Found (Cast by Phoebe)

Guiding spirits, I ask your charity
Lend my your years and clarity
Lead me to the one I cannot find
Restore that and my peace of mind.

For what: Find Tom (Cast by Phoebe)

Show me the path to the one I cannot find
To save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind.

For what: Lost & Found (Cast by Phoebe)

I return what I didn´t want to find
Let it be out of sight, out of mind.

Episode 57 - Bride & Gloom

For what: To make Prue evil (Cast by the Pristress)

Through this book, weave this spell.
Create the pain of heaven to hell.
May she suffer.
Excemo Dempress Anama Tomb.

For what: Kill the Dark Priestess (Cast by all)

Powers of light,
Magic of bright.
Cast this flight,
Into forever's night.

Episode 58 - The Good, The Bad & The Cursed


Episode 59 - Just Harried

For what: Handfasting Spell (Cast by Piper & Leo)

Heart to deep
Body to they
Always and forever
So mode it be.

Episode 60 - Death Takes A Halliwell

For what: To call the Angel of Death (Cast by Prue)

Spirits of air, sand and sea
Converge to set the Angel free
In the wind I send this rhyme
Bring death before me before my time.

For what: To kill the Seekers (Cast by all)

Knowledge gained by murderous means
is wisdoms bitter enemy.
The mind that burns with stolen fire
will now become your funeral pyre.

Episode 61 - Pre-Witched

For what: Preform a Seance (Cast by all)

Beloved unknown spirit, we seek your guidance.
We ask that you commune with us and move among us.

Items needed:
6 candles (white, purple), Burning cinnamon, Frankenscense and Sandle wood

For what: Multiply Death 9 Times (Cast by all)

9 times this evil has cheated death
felt no pain and kept its breath.
This warlock standing in our midst,
let him feel what he has missed.

Episode 62 - Sin Francisco


Episode 63 - The Demon Who Came In From The Cold


Episode 64 - Exit Strategy


Episode 65 - Look Who´s Barking

For what: To call Belthazor (First cast by Prue & Phoebe, Second cast by Piper)

Magic forces black and white,
Reaching out through space and light.
Be he far or be he near,
Bring us the demon Belthazor here.

For what: To  find a Banshee (Cast by Piper & Phoebe)

Let the piercing cry that feeds on pain,
And leaves more sorrow than it gains.
Shall now be heard by one who seeks,
To stop the havoc that it grieks.

Episode 66 - All Hell Breaks Loose

For what: To kill Shax (Cast by Phoebe)

Evil wind that blows,
That which forms below.
No longer will you dwell,
Death takes you with this spell.

Season 4 (2001/2002)

Episode 67 - Charmed Again I

For what: To bring back Prue (Cast by Piper)

In this night and this hour
I call upon the ancient power.
Bring back my sister
Bring back the power of three.

For what: To bring back Prue (Cast by Piper)

Blood to blood
I summun thee.
Blood to blood
Return to me.

For what: To kill Shax (Cast by Phoebe & Paige)

Evil wind that blows,
That which forms below.
No longer will you dwell,
Death takes you with this spell.

For what: To summon Grams (Cast by Piper)

Hear these words,
Hear my cry,
Spirit of the other side,
Come to me
I summon the
Cross now the great device.

For what: To send Cortez away (Cast by Pohebe)

We call the spirits,
To help undo
And send him off
To Timbuktu.

For what: To find Paige

Powers of the sisters rise
Couse unseen and cross the skies
Come to us we call you hear
Come to us and settle here.

For what: To reactivate Power (Cast by Piper)

Onwer of the witchs rise
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us who call you here
Come to us and settle here.

For what: To charm Glasses (Cast by Phoebe)

Magic forces far and white,
Enchant these so those can’t hide
Allowed us which to use their ins
So she can reveal the evil within.

Episode 68 - Charmed Again II

see Part I

Episode 69 - Hell Hath No Fury

For what: To help the Boy (Cast by Paige)

Let  the Object of ojection
Become but a dream,
As I cause the seen,
To be unseen.

For what: To change the Mind (Cast by Paige)

These words will travel
Through the minds
Of stubborn parties and unbind
Thoughts too ridded to be kind
A compromise will disentwine

For what: To undo Things (Cast by Phoebe & Paige)

Guided Spirits,
Hear our Plee,
Unull this magic,
Let it be
Please Let It Be

For what: To find Piper (Cast by Phoebe & Paige)

Powers of the sisters rise
Course unseen and cross the skies
Come to us we call you hear
Come to us and settle here.

Episode 70 - Enter The Demon

For what: To switch Bodies (Cast by Paige)

Just once I’d like to know
How is it like to be Phoebe,
Kick some serious ass.

For what: To re-Switch Bodies (Cast by Phoebe & Paige)

I wanna be me again.

Episode 71 - Size Matters

For what: To vanquish Gamill (Cast by Phoebe)

Small of Mind,
Big Of Woe,
The Pain you cause
You now will know.

Episode 72 - A Knight To Remember

For what: To vanquish the Shocker Demon (Cast by All)

Vanquish we three witches cry
One finial shock and then you die!

For what: Lovespell (Cast by Evil Enchantress)

Bring together my Prince and me,
Let him fall on bended knee,
I summon him to my side,
That he may take me to be his destined bride.

For what: To find Prince (Cast by Paige)

Bring together my Prince and me,
Kingdom now I wish to see,
Crossing history to his side,
From my self I will not hide.

Episode 73 - Brain Drain

For what: To vanquish the Chameleon Demon (Cast by Piper)

Demon Hiding in plain sight
I use this spell with all my might
To stop your changing form and shape
This Vanquish seals your fate!

For what: To link Mind  (Cast by Phoebe & Paige)

Life to Life
And Mind to Mind
Our spirits now will intertwine
We meld our souls
And journey to
The one whose thoughts
We wish we knew.

Episode 74 - Black As Cole


Episode 75 - Muse To My Ears

For what: To Make a Muse Visible (Cast by Phoebe)

Being of creativity,
Show yourself now to me.
Your light that shines upon our face,
Let our vision now embrace.

For what: To Find a Muse (Cast by All)

Being of creativity,
We call ourselves now to thee
Your light now darkened in a ring
Shall feel the power of three we bring

For what: To Make a Muse Invisible (Cast by Phoebe)

Being of creativity,
Hide yourself now to me.
Your light that shines upon our face,
From our vision, now erase.

Episode 76 - A Paige To The Past

For what: To Stretch the Imagination (Cast by Paige)

Let Mind and Body Soar
To Heights not reached before
Let limits stretch so you may catch
A new truth to explore.

Episode 77 - Trial by Magic

For what: To summon Angelas Ghost (Cast by All)

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side
Come to us, we summon Thee,
Cross now the Great Divide.

For what: To summon Angelas Ghost (Cast by All)

Beloved spirit Angela.
We seek your guidance.
We ask that you commune with us
And move among us.

Episode 78 - Lost & Bound

For what: To defeat Ludlow (Cast by All)

The brittle winter,
Gives to flowers are spring.
Ludlow is vanquished.

For what: To go through the Gate (Cast by All)

Door unlock,
No magic block!

Episode 79 - Charmed & Dangerous

For what: To reactivate Powers (Cast by All)

Powers of the sisters rise
Course unseen and cross the skies
Come to us we call you hear
Come to us and settle here.

For what: To kill the Source (Cast by All

Sisters three, unite in this hour,
With the magic of Good we invoke,
Rend this Evil from it's power,
End his reign in eternal smoke.

For what: To vanish Objects (Cast by Paige)

Let the object of objection,
Become but a dream as I cause the scene to be unseen.

For what: To vanquish The Source (Cast by All)

Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura, and Grace
 Halliwell witches stand strong beside us,
 Vanquish this evil from time and space.
Sisters three, unite in this hour,
With the magic of Good we invoke,
Rend this Evil from it's power,
End his reign in eternal smoke!

For what: To contain the Hollow

Abolio extunca vento externeus

Episode 80 - The Three Faces Of Phoebe

For what: To find her Hearts Desire (Cast by Phoebe)

My heart is strong
My spirit weak
It is an answer that I seek
 The question burns within the fire
 So I may hear my heart's desire

For what: To vanquish the Demon Kurzon (Cast by All)

Hell threw you from its inner core
But earth won't hold you anymore
Since heaven cannot be your place
Your flesh and blood we now erase!

Episode 81 - Marry Go Round

For what: To Switch Invisibility (Cast by Paige)

Evil curse or witches brew,
I call the magic cast by you.
Hear my voice and come to me,
Leave your victim
Let her free.

Episode 82 - The Fifth Halliwheel


Episode 83 - Saving Private Leo

For what: To Vanquish Evil Ghosts (Cast by Piper)

Ashes to ashes,
Spirit to spirit,
Take your souls,
Banish this evil.

Episode 84 - Bite Me

For what: To Vanquish a Harpy (Cast by Piper and Paige)

Claws of pain we have to sever
Demon you are gone forever.

Episode 85 - We´re Off To See The Wizards

For what: To Create a new Source (Cast by Cole)

Malus Into Exitus Omne

Episode 86 - Long Live The Queen

For what: To Vanquish the Source (Cast by All)

Penelope, Prudence, Patricia, Melinda,
Astrid, Helena, Laura, Grace.
Halliwell witches stand strong beside us.
Vanquish this evil from time and space!

Episode 87 - Womb Raider

For what: To Vanish Things (Cast by Paige)

Let the object of objection
Become but a dream
As I cause the seen to be unseen.

For what: To Steal a Child (Cast by Seer)

Let the little children come to me
For the kingdom belongs to such as thee
The Rose Circle represents nature, desire and fertilty.
Give me strength and give me might
To steal a child in still of night
Darkest forces let it be
Hear my plea - Bring life to me.

For what: Power of Three (Cast by All)

The Power of Three will set us free.
The Power of Three will set us free.
The Power of Three will set us free.

Episode 88 - Witch Way Now?

For what: To Find a lost Love (Cast by Phoebe)

Wither my love
Wherever you be
Through time and space
Take my heart near to thee.

For what: Return thy Love (Cast by Piper and Paige)

Return my Love
Wherever she be
Trough time and space
Bring her back to me

Season 5 (2002/2003)

Episode 89 - A Witch´s Tail I

For what: Find cursed Mermaid (Cast by See Hag)

Water rise up from the Sea,
Find the one who fled from me.
Gather where the Winds are cold,
Then fall tenfold, like days of old.

For what: Find See Hag (Cast by All)

Powers of the Witches rise,
Find the Hag who speaks in Lies.
Balance chakra, focus chi.
Lead us through the cruel Sea.

For what: To Lose fear (Cast by Piper)

Locked in, boxed in
Full of fear,
My panic grows manic
Till I can’t hear.
In need of reprieve
So that I can breathe,
Remove my fear
Please make it leave. 

For what: To show Phoebe's true feelings (Cast by Paige)

Open Phoebe’s heart to Cole
Reveal the secret that it holds
Bring forth the passion of love’s fire
that he may feel her true desire.

For what: To Vanquish Necron (Cast by Paige)

Tide of evil wash the shore
Bring this darkness nevermore
Fell our strength, leave fight as fate
Make this evil obliterate. 

Episode 90 - A Witch´s Tail II

see Part I

Episode 91 - Happily Ever After

For what: To  Ban Ozgood (Cast by Evil Witch)

Freedom's lost, must be unwitting,
Into the glass, to do my bidding.

For what: To Wake up SnowWhite (Cast by Piper)

Hear our call for those who fall,
Purge her to awaken from this toxic taken.

Episode 92 - Siren Song

As a mortal, the siren fell in love with a married man, but when they were caught the men was held blameless. The village people cheered as they burned her to death, her rage turned her into a siren, a vengeful demon who seduces married man with her song, and destroys a couple with the flames that consumed her.

Episode 93 - Magic Wears A Mask


Episode 94 - The Eyes Have It

Orin is a legendary demon known as the ‘Gypsy Hunter’. To stop him from killing their kind, the Shuvanis of a gypsy tribe pooled their power to blind him so he could track them anymore. If Orin find the eyes of a Shuvani with the power of the Waffediyok or ‘Evil Eye’ This would enable him to see and track gypsies again. They would also made him immune to all but the strongest spells and potions.

For what: To Kill Orin (Cast by Avy, Piper & Phoebe)

Marina, Theresa, Lydia...

Episode 95 - Sympathy For The Demon

For what: To Defeat Barbus (Cast by All)

Pruedence, Penelope, Patricia,
Melinda, Astrid, Helena,
Laura and Grace,
Halliwell witches stand strong beside us!
Vanquish this evil from time and space.

For what: To Kill the Demons of the Past (Cast by Penny)

Hell is spun,
Demon creature of death,
Fire shall take your breath.

Episode 96 - A Witch In Time

For what: To Defeat Bicer (Cast by Phoebe)

We call upon Medusas bones
Turn their flesh into stone.

For what: To Give up Powers (Cast by Bicer)

Before the passing of this hour
Take away all their powers.

Episode 97 - Daddy Dearest


Episode 98 - The Mummy´s Tomb

For what: To Get Phoebe´s Soul (Cast by Isis)

Together no more
Through time,
Expel her soul
Leave only mine.

For what: To Get Isis´ Soul (Cast by Piper)

Two worn souls now burn inside
Where only one can reside
I call upon The Power of Three
To save the body and set Paige free.

A demon known not only for his witch killing, but also for his rituals of mummification. His evil dates as far back as ancient Egypt and in the past four decades he has surfaced in the Middle East, Cairo, Istanbul and Tripoli. He can be identified by the sand that is left behind in the wake of his dematerialization.

Episode 99 - The Importance Of Being Phoebe

For what: To Bind Phoebe´s Power (Cast by Piper)

This witch’s power cannot fight
The lure of Evil’s magic might.
Before misused lines are in hell,
Remove the powers of Phoebe Halliwell.

For what: To Kill the Evil from the Nexus (Cast by Phoebe)

I am light,
I’m one too strong to fight
Return to Dark where shadows dwell
You can’t have this Halliwell.
So go away and leave my sight
And take with you this endless night.

Episode 100 - Centennial Charmed

For what: To Become an Avatar (Cast by Avatar)

Ribus uero fecit orum,
Bitis danae arca

For what: To Change Time Line (Cast by Cole)

Magma tempus dormie bat ribus.

Episode 101 - Obsessions

For what: Call the Witch Doctor (Cast by Phoebe)

Free us from the ties that bind
Of evil magic entertwined.
We call upon the one who cures
He who’s to the Dark inured.

For what: Re-Vanish the House (Cast by Piper)

Let the object of objection return,
So its existence may be reaffirmed.

Episode 102 - Dreamspell

For what: To fall asleep (Cast by All)

Let we who waken from our sleep,
Return at once to slumber deep.

Episode 103 - Special Delivery

For what: Kill Doris & Cronyn (Cast by Phoebe)

Beast of legend, myth, and lore:
Give my words the power to soar
And kill this evil evermore.

Episode 104 - Baby´s First Demon


Episode 105 - Lucky Charmed

For what: Repair Objects (Cast by Paigr)

Personal loss should not be mine,
Restore this sweater and make it fine

For what: Good Luck Spell (Cast by Paige)

To find good luck,
Finances have run amuck
Treditors I soon must duck,
I cast this spell to find good luck
And hope my life will seize to suck

Episode 106 - Cat House

For what: To Relive Memories (Cast by Piper)

Let the truth be told,
Let out lives unfold
So that we can re-live our memories,
And stop being enemies

Episode 107 - Naughty Nymphs

For what: To Transform Tull into a Tree (Cast by Piper & Paige)

Changing seasons changes all
Life renews as creation calls.
Nothing is immune
Everything transmutes
So take this demon
And give him roots.

Episode 108 - Sense And Sense Ability


Episode 109 - Necromancing The Stone

For what: To  Summon a Creeper (Cast by Paige)

Demons who dwell
In slivers of night,
Uncloak your shadows
To witches' sight.

For what: To Reveal the Truth (Cast by Paige)

For those who want the truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed,
From now until its now again
After which the memory ends.

For what: To Summon Penny (Cast by Piper )

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side
Come to me, I summon Thee,
Cross now the Great Divide.

For what: To Summon the Matriarchs of the Halliwells (Cast by Penny)

I call forth from space and time
Matriarchs from the Halliwell line.
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friend:
Our family spirit without end
Together now in this sacred place,
And help us bring this child to grace.

Episode 110 - Oh My Goddess I


Episode 111 - Oh My Goddess II


Season 6 (2003/2004)

Episode 112 - Valhalley Of The Dolls I

Trok Dämon
A monstrous two-headed demon who generates violent waves with his voice, he can only be summoned while on a earthly plane and can be vanquished by this spell: From other worlds far and near let's get him the trok out of here.

A powerful race of demigoddesses who scout the battle grounds for dying warriors, then take their souls to Valhalla where they prepare them for the final world battle.

Spell to Restore a Memory (Cast by Paige)

Powers and emotions tied
A witch's heart is where is lies
Help her through her agony
Bless her with her memory

Spell to vanquish the Troc (Cast by Phoebe)

From other worlds
Far and near,
Let's get him, the Troc,
Out of here.

Episode 113 - Valhalley Of The Dolls II

To Reverse a Curse (Cast by Paige)

I call upon the Halliwells
I call our powers to undo this spell
Make right again that we must
Reverse the curse that made this mutt

To Open Someones Heart (Cast by Paige)

Open Piper's heart to reveal
That part which only Phoebe feels
Send it back from whence it came
Don't protect her from the pain

Spell to reverse Pipers attitude (Cast by Paige)

A spell was cast,
Now make it past.
Remove it now,
Don't ask me how.

Episode 114 - Dragon´s Heat

To Fill in the Blanks (Cast by Paige)

Moments lost make witches wonder
Warlock's plot or demon's plunder?
If this is not a prank,
Help us to fill in the blanks.

Vanishing Spell (Cast by Piper)

Let the object of objection
Become but a dream
As I cause the seen
To be unseen

Episode 115 - Dirty Blondes

Scrying Spell (Cast by Mitzy)

Give me sight through the blackest bile
Show me the faces I revile

Identity Removal Spell (Cast by Mitzy, Mabel & Margo)

Blinking faces blank and ho-hum,
We are they and they are no one.
Grant to us the power of three
And turn them into nobody.

Spell to call the powers (Cast by All)

Powers of the witches rise,
Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you near,
Come to us and settle here.

Episode 116 - Love´s A Witch

Banishing a Ghost
To banish a ghost to oblivion pour this mixture over the departed bones. a palmful of pomegranate seeds ground into a fine paste a pinch of comfry root a pinch of blood meal a pinch of clematis seed a pinch of dried rhubarb leaf Mix well, add a chalice of twice blessed water and boil.

To Summon the Dead (Cast by Paige)

Unknown spirit, we call to thee
Those who wish to set you free.
Cross on over, so that we may help.
Come to us. Reveal yourself.

To Find Paige (Cast by Phoebe)

Lead me back from whence this came
Help me help my sister's pain

To Summon the Dead:

Unknown spirit, we call to thee
Those who wish to set you free.
Cross on over, so that we may help.
Come to us. Reveal yourself.

Banishing a Ghost:

To banish a ghost
To oblivion pour
This mixture over
The departed bones.
A palmful of pomegranate seeds
Ground into a fine paste
A pinch of comfry root
A pinch of blood meal
A pinch of clematis seed
A pinch of dried rhubarb leaf
Mix well, add a chalice of
Twice blessed water and boil.

To Call a Lost Witch

Blood to blood I summon thee
Blood to blood return to me

Episode 117 - Fantasies In Flesh

Vanishing Spell (Cast by Paige)

Let the object of objection
Become but a dream
As I cause the seen
To be unseen

Episode 118 - Soul Sister

A lower level demon and soul trader who specializes in demonic contracts and demonic law.

To Summon Zahn

We call upon the ancient powers
To summon one to save a soul

Episode 119 - Charmed In Camelot

Executioner Demons
Minions of a low order. demonic mercenaries incapable of original thoughts or deed. usually found in the employ of higher level demons or mortals proficient in dark arts. Vanquishable with own weapons or a spectrum of valerian potions.

To vanquish a Dark Knight
1 pinch Wereboar Tusk 1 lock Nymph Hair 3 drops Wraith Essence 1 level tsp Black Poppy 2 leaves Arrow Leaf 3 petals Dwarf Lotus 1 cup Aged Puer Tea 3 drops Loggerhead Turtle Saliva 1 drop Kudin Tree Oil

Episode 120 - Hot Mamas

Vicious demons with supernatural strength and venemous claws. Manticores communicate in high pitched cries and tend to travel in packs.

To make Daryll invincible (Cast by Paige)

Blessed with powers from my destiny
Bless this hero with invincibility.

Episode 121 - Chris-Crossed

Descended from the Witch Trials with vengeance in their hearts, the Phoenix are a family of assasin witches who are elite, very powerful and who are born with a distinctive birthmark of the Phoenix, symbolizing their rise from Salem's ashes. They have no allegiance other than to seek their vengeance and they will seek out and kill any bounty they're hired to bring down.

To Summon the Book of Shadows (Cast by Chris)

I call upon the ancient power
To help us in this darkest hour.
Let the Book return to this place,
Claim refuge in its rightful space.

To Go Back in the Past (Cast by Chris)

Hear these words, hear the rhyme
Heed the hope within my mind.
Send me back to where I'll find
What I wish in place and time

To Restore Chris Powers (Cast by Chris)

Powers of witches rise,
Come to me across the skies.
Return my magic, give me back
All that was taken from the attack

Episode 122 - Witchstock

To Summon Grams (Cast by Phoebe)

Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side.
Come to thee, I summon thee,
Cross now the great divide.

To Turn Weapons Into Flowers (Cast by Penny)

They have no right
They have no power
Turn their hate sticks Into flowers

Seduction Spell (Cast by Piper)

Come to me and be seduced,
I have a girl to introduce.
Fall for her you can't resist her.
Trust me, mister, she's my sister.

To Allow Evil to Roam

And so I call upon the Crone
Let evil roam inside this home.

Love Spell (Cast by Penny)

May peace and love
From the moon above
Flow through your heart
On the wings of a dove.

To Vanquish Nigel (Cast by Penny)

Snuff this warlock his days are done
But make him good for the ecosystem.

To Vanquish the Slime Demon (Cast by Paige)

Drawing on the power of three
Destroy this evil entity

Episode 123 - Prince Charmed

To Create the Perfect Man (Cast by Phoebe and Paige)

A perfect man we summon now
Another way we don't know how
To make our sister see the light
Somewhere out there is Mr. Right

To Prepare the table (Cast by Paige)

On Piper's day set this table
With all the favours you are able.

Episode 124 - Used Karma

To clean one's Karma (Cast by Richard)

I call to thee, pure witches fire,
Through vortex flow the heavenly mire
Cleanse brackish karma of debris.
From dark to light sweep

To Vanquish the Swarm King (Cast by All)

Demons that swarm that serve as one
Vanquish him from which they come

Episode 125 - The Legend Of Sleepy Halliwell

To Vanquish the headless horseman (Cast by All)

Power of Three unite.
End this grizzly fright.
Reverse the role and make us whole.

Episode 126 - I Dream Of Phoebe


Episode 127 - Midnight Rendezvous

To Contact The Spirit of a Sister (Cast by Paige & Phoebe)

Sister spirit, we call to thee.
Cross on over so we may see.

Episode 128 - Hyde School Reunion

Spell to never forget Phoebe (Cast by Phoebe)

Those who mark who I am,
Let them always remember when.

To revive the good old days (Cast by Phoebe)

The past is the future,
And the future is the past.
Let’s welcome back the senior class.

To create an illusion of fire (Cast by Phoebe)

Make them see what cannot be:
Flames that leap to make them flee.

To create a distraction (Cast by Phoebe)

Make him hear what isn’t there.
His deepest worries come to bear.

To create a new facial appearance (Cast by Paige)

Who you were,
You’re now another.
Take the face of Wyatt’s brother.

Episode 129 - Spin City

To Restore a Person's True Appearance (Cast by Paige)

You who found me at this bar,
Return to who you really are.

Episode 130 - Charmed On Trial

To Turn Flowers Into Fire (Cast by Phoebe)

Flowers that bring desire
Make them turn into fire

To Summon the Tribunal (Cast by Gideon)

Di! Ecce hora!
Uxor mea me necabit!

The Vanishing Spell (Cast by Paige)

Let the object of objection
Become but a dream
As I cause the seen
To be unseen

To Reverse the Vanishing Spell (Cast by Piper)

Let the object of objection return
So that it's existence may be reaffirmed

Episode 131 - Stormy Leather

To Summon Mr. Right

A perfect man I summon now
Another way I don't know how
Bring him now into the light
Come back to me, Mr. Right

To Rapidly Age Someone

What once resided in its place
Shall soon be gone with no haste
Make this girl age in time
As punishment for her heinous crime

Episode 132 - Reality Check

To Activate a Ronyx Crystal (Cast by Phoebe)

Mallock cormon alli-tas

Episode 133 - It´s A Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World I

To Open a Portal to a Parallel Dimension (Cast by All)

In this place and in this hour,
We call upon the ancient power.
Open the door through time and space,
Create a path to another place.

Enchant a Blade to Penetrate a Protective Shield (Cast by Gideon)

Wanton powers in this blade yield
Penetrate that which would shield

Episode 134 - It´s A Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World II


Season 7 (2004/2005)

Episode 135 - A Call To Arms

Spell to Release Gods from Mortals (Cast by Paige)

We call upon the mortal ways
And gods who guide but may not stay,
We seek those of divinity
To separate from and set them free.

Episode 136 - The Bare Witch Project

Spell to Return Godiva to Her Time (Cast by Paige)

From lands afar and time and space
Take her now from this our place,
One that dwells so must remain,
Send her back to her domain.

Spell to Summon Lord Dyson (Cast by Piper)

We look to find the evil set free,
Bring this demon before us three.

Return Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson to Their Time (Cast by Paige)

From lands afar and time and space
Take them now from this our place,
Two that dwell so must remain,
Send them back to their domain.

Spell to Summon Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson (Cast by Paige)

Where royals once lived, so did she,
Bring forth the naked lady from the eleventh century.

Spell to Return What Have Been Misplaced In Time

A time for everything and everything in place,
Return what has been moved from time and space.

Episode 137 - Cheaper By The Coven

Spell to Summon a Spirit (Cast by Paige)

Hear me now, hear my cries,
Spirit from the other side,
Cross now the great divide.

Spell to Resolve Sibling Rivalry (Cast by Grams)

Pass your petty jealousies to darkest night
Let these feuding siblings no longer fight.

Spell to Freeze Someone (Cast by Grams)

Let this girl, quick as a sneeze,
Stop this snit and quickly freeze.

Spell to Reverse the Sibling Rivalry Spell (Cast by Patty)

Reverse the spell from the book,
And please restore what was took.

Spell to Summon the Halliwell Matriarchs (Cast by Grams)

I call forth from space and time,
The matriarchs from the Halliwell line,
Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends,
Our family's spirit without end.

Episode 138 - Charrrmed!

Spell to Activate the Fountain of Youth (Cast by Piper)

With these offerings, I call on thee,
The goddess of fertility
Rise now, show us the truth,
Give us the gift of eternal youth.

Episode 139 - Styx Feet Under


Episode 140 - Once In A Blue Moon


Episode 141 - Someone To Witch Over Me

Spell to see the Guardians (Cast by Paige)

Show me what the evil sees
Even if at lightning speeds.

Episode 142 - Charmed Noir

Spell to accelerate vision

Show me what the evil sees,
Even if the lighting speeds.

Episode 143 - There´s Something About Leo


Episode 144 - Witchness Protection


Episode 145 - Ordinary Witches

Spell to switch powers between eachother

What's mine is yours, whats yours is mine
I offer up my gift to share,
Swith our powers through the air

Episode 146 - Extreme Makeover World Edition


Episode 147 - Charmageddon


Episode 148 - Carpe Demon

Spell to call sorcerer

Sorcerer of darkness, demon of fright,
I call you now, into my sight Spell to vanquish sorcerer
Evil blast, we can not use,
The Power of Three now lights the fuse

Episode 149 - Show Ghouls

Spell to go to the 1890's

Free our souls from their shells,
See were the lost spirits dwells,
Long enough to find their pain,
Quick enough to return again.

Episode 150 - The Seven Year Witch


Episode 151 - Scry Hard

Spell to prison the Shadow again

I'm light, I am one to strong to fight,
So go away and leave my sight,
And take with you this endless night

Episode 152 - Little Box of Horrors


Episode 153 - Freaky Phoebe

Spell to put Phoebe's spirit back

Lock of hair, completes our call,
To help us reclaim our sisters soul,
Ban the demon, spare and pain,
Bring Phoebe back from the ghostly plane

Episode 154 - Imaginary Friends

Spell to comunicate with Wyatt

Help this mother understand,
The thoughts inside her little man
Though his mouth be quiet,
Let us hear his inner Wyatt Spell to remove the curse of Wyatt
Evil taints for it was once held there
Remove this curse away from here

Spell to send Wyatt back to the future

Send in the future, sudden the past
Seeing a new what once has past
Return him now to once he came
Right where he left, all now the same

Episode 155 - Death Becomes Them


Episode 156 - Something Wicca This Way Goes?

Spell to transform Zankou in a pig

Something wicked in our myst
In our home where he excist Spell to destroy the Nexus
From ancient time this power came
From all to have and not to reign
Pick it now, show no mercy,
For this power can no longer be

Season 8 (2005/2006)

Episode 157 - Still Charmed & Kicking

To change the look for others (Cast by Phoebe)

I call upon the acient powers,
To mask us now and in future hours.
Hide us well and barely,
But not from those, we call family.

Episode 158 - Malice In Wonderland


Episode 159 - Run, Piper, Run


Episode 160 - Desperate Housewitches

To call the Source

We call to you that away was torn,
return master of all evil born

Episode 161 - Rewitch

To make a dream of a lover come true (Cast by Billie)

Hear these words hear my rhyme
Bless these two in this time
Bring them both into the fold
Help them now cross love's threshhold

To vanquish Antosis (Cast by All)

Hear us now the witches call,
He who makes sameritans fall
We speak as one the sisters three
And bannish you to eternity

To end the masquarade (Cast by Phoebe)

I call apon the ancient powers,
To unmask us now and in futur hours
Show us well and thoroughly
Reveal ourselves, so the world can see

Episode 162 - Kill Billie: Vol. 1

To erase Painful Memories (Cast by Billie)

After this cruel memory
Is seen and said,
Erase theese thoughts
From my heart and head

Episode 163 - The Lost Picture Show


Episode 164 - Battle Of The Hexes

To Call a lost Witch

Power of witches rise,
Course unseen across the skies
Come to us to call you near,
Come to us and settle here

To Kill the Knot

For all the world the word in one,
In harmony it must be undone.

Episode 165 - Hulkus Pocus


Episode 166 - Vaya Con Leos

To Hide Leo

Hide him from sight,
So I might fight.
Ignore which leaves bereft,
My husband from the Angel of Death

To Call the Angel of Destiny

Power of Three we summon thee,
And call to us the Angel of Destiny

Episode 167 - Mr. & Mrs. Witch


Episode 168 - Payback´s A Witch

To let the bear talk

Little boy`s bear,
Show me how you care,
Tell me how you feel,
If you are real!

Episode 169 - Repo Manor

To Change Powers

What's theirs is yours, what's yours is theirs,
I offer up this gift to share,
Switch the bodies through the air.

Episode 170 - 12 Angy Zen


Episode 171 - The Last Temptation Of Christy


Episode 172 - Engaged & Confused


Episode 173 - Generation Hex

To Banish A Noxon

Demon of fire,
Demon of pain,
I bannish you
To the Astral-Plane

Episode 174 - The Torn Identity


Episode 175 - The Jung & The Restless


Episode 176 - Gone With The Witches


Episode 177 - Kill Billie: Vol. 2


Episode 178 - Forever Charmed


Thanks for all who helped me with the Spell-List. If you know something more just contact me in the Forum-Section.

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